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Resources for Business

Whether you are already a MY PATH Community Business Partner or an organization that wants to learn more about available resources pertinent employing those with disabilities, we welcome you to learn more. Explore some of our favorite resources for businesses, financing options, and legislature.

Community Business Partner Resources

Myth Busters - We've compiled a list of myths surrounding the employment of workers with disabilities. Please read this and make sure you know the facts.

Frequently Asked Questions - This is a list of questions and answers inspired by business professionals seeking to offer employment to those with disabilities.

MY PATH Community Business Partner Services Brochure - Would you like to learn why partnering with MY PATH to provide employment to those with disabilities is good for your company? If so, look at our brochure online or print it out.

Getting to Equal 2018: The Disability Inclusion Advantage - This research report offers incredible insight into the untapped market of workers managing disabilities, how inclusion can affect a company’s bottom line, and other benefits related to employing those with disabilities.

Costs and Benefits of Accommodation - The Job Accommodation Network VAN) released a report in 2023 regarding the costs and benefits of providing accommodations.

The Economic Argument for Hiring People with Disabilities - This document provides several different, specific examples of how companies have benefited from embracing workers with disabilities.

Disability Discrimination and Employment Decisions - This article from the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) provides an overview of human resource topics related to workers with disabilities.

Neurodiversity in the Workplace - Employers see the talents and skills that workers with neurodivergent conditions bring to the workplace. This is a toolkit to help your organization benefit from neurodiversity at work.

Understanding Autism: An Employer's Guide - The Organization for Autism Research put together this downloadable guide to offer basic information about Autism in the workplace.

How to Join Virtual Meetings with MY PATH - See step-by-step instructions on how to join a virtual meeting with MY PATH.

Financing Resources

The Disabled Access Credit - Small businesses that incur expenses related to the providing access to persons with disabilities may qualify for a federal tax incentive. Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 44

Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) - This tax credit may be available to employers when hiring individuals with disabilities (and those in other targeted groups).

Architectural Barrier Removal Tax Deduction - This tax deduction encourages businesses to remove transportation and architectural barriers to the mobility of individuals with disabilities and the elderly.

Office of Disability Employment Policy Grants - The Office of Disability Em[oyment Policy (ODEP) offers grants to non-profit organizations, local and state government agencies, and academic institutions. Information regarding these grants, when available, is published on the Federal Register and the Department of Labor's

Grants webpages.

Legislative Resources

Guide to Disability Rights Laws- This site provides an overview of the following...

* Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

* Telecommunications Act

* Fair Housing Act

* Air Carrier Access Act

* Voting Accessibility for the Elderly

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* National Voter Registration Act

* Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act

* Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

* Rehabilitation Act

* Architectural Barriers Act & Handicapped Act


ADA Requirements: Service Animals -Read guidance about Service Animals

Effective Communication Requirements - State and local governments as well as businesses and non-profit organizations are required to communicate effectively with people who have communication disabilities.

Accessible Parking Spaces - When businesses, non-profit organizations, and state or local governments offer parking lots or garages, they must provide accessible parking spaces In compliance with the ADA.