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The MY PATH Business Partner Process
The "MY PATH Process" starts with the free initial consultation. During this initial meeting you and MY PATH will discuss the benefits of working with someone faced with a disability, answer your questions, and address any potential concerns or roadblocks you may foresee. We'll share resources with you that may benefity your company as you increase your diversity and inclusion. We'll also discuss characteristics of potential positions within your company that could possibly be filled by candidates with disabilities. Finally, we will talk about the MY PATH Community Business Partner Process and what to expect as we work together to fill your positions with qualified candidates. Ultimately, MY PATH wants to ensure that each candidate is a good hire for your company and that both you and the candidate achieve positive outcomes and experiences.
Once you decide to expand your workforce to include those of all abilities, the next step in the process is to notify MY PATH. You'll send your job descriptions to the MY PATH contact you met during the initial consultation.
Once you have sent job openings to My Path, we will notify the Employment Specialists and Job Coaches about your position, and identify challenges. They will then compare the requirements against the strengths of their clients to determine if someone they are working with would have the necessary skills and traits for the role’s requirements. If so, they will reach out to you to set up a time to present their candidate to you. You are not under any obligation to hire a candidate. My Path wants success for both its clients and your business and that means finding a good match for the position.
MY PATH likes to conduct a "First Day of Work" meeting to help its client transition into his/her new role at your company. During this meeting, you may define job requirements and how you will evaluate the new hire's performance. MY PATH's staff can assist the new hire in filling out human resources' paperwork, ensuring that any needed accommodations and assistive technologies are in place and working effectively. Or, MY PATH's staff can simply act as support for you and your new hire on the first day(s) of work. Most importantly, MY PATH's Employment Specialist or Job Coach will leave you with contact information so that you are able to reach them with feedback. We are here to support both our client and your company so that the match is positive, successful, and long-lasting.
On occasion, it may be that either you or the new hire don't feel that MY PATH needs to conduct a "First Day of Work" meeting and that is fine. MY PATH's Employment Specialist or Job Coach will simply ensure that you have their contact information to facilitate future conversation, as needed.
Several weeks after the first day of hire, our client's Employment Specialist or Job Coach will reach out to you to see how things are going with the placement. This is an opportunity for you to discuss any concerns you may have regarding your new hire. Please let your contact know if your new hire is struggling with a particular skill that is required for the position. Or, if you see any roadblocks or barriers that have evolved after the hire, please discuss them with us so that we may find solutions.
Please note that your new hire may prefer to speak to you directly regarding concerns and challenges. If this is the case, the client will typically ask their Employment Specialist or Job Coach to not initiate this "Check-in" meeting. However, you are welcome to reach out to your MY PATH contact to provide feedback even if this meeting is not initiated by the Employment Specialist or Job Coach.
In order to continuously improve our services to our community business partners, we send out a short, annual survey in the hope of receiving feedback as to how we can better improve our services and support your company. While we have hopefully had conversations during service- delivery, we kindly ask that you take a couple of minutes and provide us with your honest feedback. We truly appreciate the opportunity that you have extended to our clients and sincerely hope that you and your company have benefited from the experience.
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Contact us now to schedule your FREE initial consultation and Q & A session.